Friday, October 25, 2013


So I hopped on a plane and flew to Colorado, and I don't think Jesus has ever made it so clear to me what "Breathe" really meant until now.

If you didn't know the air in colorado is way different then good ole McDonough so it makes it harder to breathe. After walking who even knows how far to eat lunch and to Walmart yesterday after we landed, pretty sure I was about to pass out because I was so out of breath, not just because I am out of shape, but because of just trying to adjust. Denver really is exactly one mile high. In fact, there is a step on the State Capitol Building that is exactly 5,280 feet above sea level - one mile high. It wasn't until we got back to the hotel and completely stopped everything I was doing that I was able to really breathe. 

That is our life.

We won't ever be able to truly breathe until we completely stop everything. We can try to adjust where we are at in life, but key word is try. We so often get out of breath with life. One thing after another getting the kids to school, trying to get the laundry done, finishing that paper, and just simply dealing with life day to day and we try to catch our breath but we aren't willing to completely stop long to do it. We sit down at night but we find ourselves scrolling through Instagram or responding to text messages and when the next day comes we wonder why we are still out of breath. Until we stop everything, disregard everything else, silence all voices and tune in to what Jesus has to say, we won't ever catch our breath. We won't truly breathe. 

Take a deep breath and hold it. Now exhale. What just happened? You took some air into your lungs. Your lungs removed the oxygen from the air for your body to use. You then exhaled what your body doesn’t need—carbon dioxide. What you took in sustains your life. What you breathed out is of no use to you. In fact if you kept it in your lungs too long it would actually be harmful. When we are in a place where we can truly breathe we inhale His love, forgiveness, and mercy and we exhale our confession of our sins, our sorrows, and our fears.   

Job 27:3 
"As long as my breath is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nostrils..."

As long as we breathe, the spirit of God will continue to empower us. And when we allow Jesus to empower us, we can always catch out breathe again.

Today, Jesus teach us to truly breathe. 

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