Monday, August 12, 2013


The famous question, "Where are you going to college."

My famous answer, "I don't know."

Going into your senior year, prepare yourself to be asked a million times, "what's next?" Some people know. They know exactly where they wanna go to school. They know what their calling in life is. But if you are like me, I didn't/don't know what's next. Some people give you the "are you serious" look, others have respect to the fact you are vulnerable enough to admit it. However, you find respect from few.

Through my senior year, Jesus literally blew my heart up, over and over. Things happened I would have never dreamed, which is such a picture of the how Jesus ALWAYS does the immeasurably more, even when you don't expect it, let alone even think about it. Then the Summer came. Being busy is an understatement, but Jesus opened doors for me that have led to opportunities some people only dream about. Yep, there where times I had to be on my face before the Lord and beg Him to give me the courage to take the next step. But, these opportunities have/are shaping and molding me into what Jesus wants me to be. But senior year ended, summer ended. So what's next?

Notice how I said what HE wanted me to be. Hate to step on anybody's toes, but it doesn't matter what you want, it matters what Jesus wants. We so often recite the Lord's prayer out of Matthew, and I think we say it but don't surrender to what we are praying; "let your will be done." Those words literally mean, "Okay Jesus whatever you want."

Thats my prayer right now. Jesus, whatever you want.

So. All of my friends are packing up and going off to college. Moving into their dorm, and starting classes, and I am sitting at home. Yep, i'm not going to school first semester.

I know, you are probably thinking, "I would be so stressed if I was her." There have been times where I literally think about it so much that its exhausting. But Jesus has placed this verse on my heart the past couple weeks, Ezekiel 37:3, "... Sovereign Lord, you alone know." I would wake up in the middle of the night not able to sleep and would find myself saying this phrase of that verse over and over.

[You alone know]

One day after I had thought about this verse for days and days I decided to tear it apart. Jesus what are you trying to tell me.

You: Jesus.

Alone: exclusive from anyone or anything;incomparable.

Know: to have understanding of importance; to have experienced, or be familiar with.

In other words, "you alone know" means:
Jesus, you are incomparable, apart from anyone else, and you have understanding of the most important things because you have experienced the life we live.

So there is the answer to my question, and to so many others.  I don't know what's next, but Jesus knows, and I have full confidence that He will lead my life exactly where it needs to go.

Jesus, I will follow you, wherever you lead me. Let you will be done in my life. Whatever YOU want. Because I know, You alone know.


  1. Yay! So great to read. Praying for you, sweet girl! Your light for Christ shines bright. <3 Can't wait to get coffee soon!

  2. Adria, such wisdom. I loved reading this and to see that God is capturing your heart. "You alone know" is a truth I need to daily adopt into my life. I love that even through what the world might say is "without a vision", your vision is Christ. Beautiful! Keep writing! It is invaluable and you rock at it!
