Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Arsenic We Think We Need.

I had a conversation with a girl the other day via text. She said to me, “I am tired of being the good girl, and want to have fun.” Memories came rushing in like a hurricane. There I was my junior year having the same feeling she was. I was so tired of being the girl not invited to any of the parties. I was so tired of being the girl home on the weekends. I wanted to have fun.

By the grace of God, He reeled me back in before I jumped off the cliff. But that feeling, that feeling that a teenage girl texted me she was having, I know that feeling all too well.  What broke my heart was this vibe that I was getting that she felt like she failed because of the way she felt.

What have we done to give this impression that to be honest about where you are at is to be deemed a failure? What have we said that has sent the message that to struggle is to be defeated?

To be honest is a victory in itself.  Lying lips are extremely disgusting and hateful to the Lord, but they who deal faithfully are His delight.” [Proverbs 12:22]
To struggle, to be weak, that is so be strong.
“…for my power is made perfect in weakness.” [2 Corinthians 12:9]

The lies just keep piling themselves on top of themselves.  It started with Eve.

“For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:5

In other words, God has withheld something from me that I really need. At any time in your life that you have had a void, or a want, that lie has come to you. The suggestion that God has withheld something that you need. Satan was telling Eve that the very thing God told her she didn’t need was actually the thing she needed most.
You see God withholds the arsenic from us and Satan suggest that the arsenic is what we need the most.

What was my arsenic? Whether it was needing to be accepted in the "in-crowd" or have a boyfriend, or be out on a Friday night with everyone else. It was everything I thought I needed, but oh how I didn't

The lies.
Don’t struggle.

Don’t be honest.

God is withholding something from me.

Don’t believe them.
Be honest.

Know that God is withholding nothing from you, only the arsenic.
And take my word for it, changing your ways might result in fun for a while, but eventually your eyes are open and your taste buds are awaken to the arsenic you have been sipping on. Save yourself from having to taste it. Instead taste the grace. Taste the mercy. Taste the unconditional love. Taste the things you won’t find anywhere else.

To the one who is like the girl who texted me: It is okay to be where you are at. You are not a failure. You are not defeated. Most of all, you are not alone, so many of us have been there.

Take it from me….

That arsenic you think you need, you don’t need it.

You just need Him.

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