Thursday, December 5, 2013

Put Down the Phone.

"Put your phone up for 2 seconds." -Mom
"Mom, I am not always on it (lying) you just always see me when I am." -me

Last night I spent the night at a families house so the mom could sleep in, therefore I was in charge of taking the kids to school. First, these kids wake up dang early. Rolled over looked at the clock, 5:45, and all 3 of them were up and ready to start the day. I slowly got out of bed, turned the tv on for the kids and went and sat in the other room. First thing I did... started looking at my phone. It is 5:45 in the morning nobody was tweeting, posting pictures on instagram, snap-chatting, or even posting facebook status. But yet I still ended up on my phone for a solid 15 minutes... and then it hit me: serious conviction.

The house is so quiet, still, and there is absolutely nothing to look at on my phone but I am still choosing to be on it...


Why wasn't my first thought to make use of the quiet and stillness and breathe in the start of a new day and start leaning into what Jesus had in store for me over the next 24 hours.

You can deny it all you want, but today almost every single one of us spend more time on our phone then we do anything else, and honestly that is completely pathetic.

So, I put down my phone, then realized we had lots of time before school and decided to load the kids up and take them to breakfast. When they were finish eating we still had about 20 minutes before we needed to leave, so I told them they could go play on the playground. Instead of me scrolling through twitter, again, I watched the kids play, and the reaction they showed to me watching them is/was such a beautiful picture of what Jesus wants from us.

Their faces lit up with joy and smiles as they looked out and saw me watching, and then they busted out in their best dance moves from behind the glass. They just died laughing and kept waving at me making sure I was still paying attention.

That is it people.

Jesus just wants our attention. He wants us to put down the phone, and look up and watch everything that He is doing, but He doesn't want to have to keep waving to make sure we are paying attention.

Now I am not saying everyone needs to fast from social media and to only spend 10 minutes a day on your phone, not at all. What I am saying is don't miss out on the little things in life because you are to busy starring at a screen. Yes, through social media we have a sneak peak into the lives of those we follow, but if we become so concerned about what everyone else is doing, we miss our own life.

Jesus has placed you where you are for a purpose, and I am 100% positive your purpose isn't to sit and stare at your smart phone. Make you goal for Jesus to stop waving at you because you are already paying attention.

So today, I am choosing fix my eyes on Jesus and not on my iphone.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! How true is this. Even though I use my tablet to read my morning devotionals, I am guilty of always having my phone with me and turning to it the minute my feet hit the floor. It has become more than just a tech tool. I have allowed it to become an extension of myself, an idol even. Thank you for this convicting reminder that nothing should be an extension of me, but rather I should be an extension of Christ. I can't plug into Him if I am always plugged into something else.
