My mom encouraged my to read the book, The Last Lecture, by Randy Pausch. I willingly agreed, not planning on actually doing it. But today I read the book, the entire book.
The title of the book explains just what the whole book is about: a last lecture. A lot of professors give talks titled "The Last Lecture." Professors are asked to consider what matters most to them and before finishing their season of life that involves teaching they give their last lecture spitting out tad bits of wisdom.
But Randy's last lecture is literally is his last lecture. He is fighting pancreatic cancer, the same cancer my dad had, so you can imagine I was a blubbering mess while I read the book. But Randy does something unique, and heartfelt. He dedicates his last lecture to teaching life lessons to his kids that he won't ever get the chance to teach them. So one day when they look back they can still learn from their father. Like I said I cried the whole book. I highly highly encourage you to read the book. But one of the main ideas is Randy encouraging his kids to accomplish their dreams. Because when you strive to live a life where you accomplish your wildest dreams you are truly living.
But this book got me thinking. What are my dreams? Am I chasing them?
When the time comes for me to step out of earth and into eternity, and my loved ones silently wish for me to live, I want to to reply to their silent request and say,"I already did."
You see I wanna dream. I wanna chase my dream. I wanna really live.
You never know when the doctor will come into the waiting room and tell you that you have terminal cancer, Randy didn't. But he lived his life in a way that it didn't matter if the news came or not... He dreamed. He lived.
The question now is not can you dream, everyone can dream, but do you have the courage to act upon it? Do you have the courage to chase it? .
The Children of Israel dreamed of living in the Promised Land, but the only way to get there was through the wilderness. You will not be able to trust God for the fruition of your Dream, until you see His faithfulness in the process. But as the people walked through the wilderness, chasing their dream, they learned.
That's the beautiful part about dreaming. Even if you never accomplish what you are seeking what you learn along the way will benefit you just as much.
Numbers 13:2-3
The Lord spoke to Moses: “Send men to scout out the land of Canaan I am giving to the Israelites. Send one man who is a leader among them from each of their ancestral tribes.” Moses sent them from the Wilderness of Paran at the Lord’s command. All the men were leaders in Israel.
The men Moses sent out to scout the land most likely were not that excited about going, probably a little scared. But they went, they chased their dream dispite the discomfort.
If your dream does not stretch you to the point of discomfort, it isn't big enough, fear is standing in the way
Little dreams lead to little service, but big dreams can lead to big service, so ask yourself, "How big is my dream?"
So today take a step with me. Start dreaming a dream and start chasing it. Let's truly live.
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